Afrique Santé & Environnement (ASE)
Africa Health & Environment
A Consulting Firm Established in 1992
Selected Consultancies
Jump to: 1992 - 1994 | 1995 - 1998 | 1999 - 2002 | 2002 - | 2008 -
1992 - 1994
CARE International
Emergency Assistance Unit
Atlanta, USA
CARE Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda
Worked with CARE Canada in Bukavu (Zaire) in the various camps managed by CARE. Represented CARE International at all NGO coordination meetings in Cyangugu (Rwanda). Proposed several possible interventions for CARE International to attract Rwandan refugees back from Zaire, including the rehabilitation of health infrastructures of the Prefecture of Cyangugu in collaboration with CARE Germany medical teams.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
HIV & Development Program
New York, USA
Bamako, Mali
Developed a 3 year project proposal (over one million in US $ in projected budget) in support of the National AIDS Control Program (NACP). This project was to strengthen the Malian NACP coordinating capacity, to decentralize the AIDS program at the regional and district level, to provide on-going training in field management and management of human resources (central and decentralized levels), and to identify and promote culturally appropriate IEC activities.
ADRA Rwanda
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Youth
Ministry of Defense
Kigali, Rwanda
ASE developed and designed ADRA's Post War Rehabilitation & Development Program (PWRDP). It consisted of 4 different projects:
1) Rehabilitation of health institutions in the Prefectures of Byumba and Ruhengeri -34 health centers, 7 dispensaries and 3 hospitals; then support to
MCH and AIDS activities, but also setting-up community based committees to manage these health institutions,
2) A one year vocational health training for demobilized military (110 students per cycle),
3) Rehabilitation and support project to selected elementary schools and support of a Youth to Youth AIDS program, and
4) Conservational activities in the National Parks of the Akagera and the Volcanoes. Negotiated on behalf of ADRA Rwanda local funding for the health rehabilitation program.
CIDA awarded ADRA Rwanda US$354,609.00 to start the program. Actively participated in the implementation of the program and in the negotiations of
further funding ($3.2 was the projected Program budget for 2 years) of the various other program activities until the war erupted on April 6,
ADRA International
Silver Springs, USA
ADRA International
ADRA Zaire
Lubumbashi, Zaire
ADRA Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda
1993 Assessed the socio-economic status of displaced persons in Rwanda and the Kivu to define an effective and realistic role for ADRA/International in relief and development programming in Rwanda. Reviewed food-assistance needs, potential modes of programming food assistance, donor sources, and related issues.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Ministry of Health
National AIDS Control Program
Kigali, Rwanda
Developed and set-up a coordination unit for the Rwanda UNDP office that would assist the Resident Representative in coordinating HIV/AIDS activities within the UNDP/WHO Alliance but also with the PNLS (National AIDS Control Program) and the newly created National Commission on AIDS (CNLS). Identified a candidate, wrote his job description and terms of reference for the position to be filled as of January 1 993. On behalf of UNDP/Rwanda, participated with the PNLS, the WHO/GPA staff, representatives of 7 ministries, and other concerned parties, in the formulation of the strategic planning of the next Medium Term Plan for Rwanda (MTP2). UNDP Rwanda consulted with me on their HIV/AIDS and health activities through May 1993. Participated in the formulation of a two year project proposal funded by UNDP Rwanda in (US$675,000) support of Rwanda's NACP.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
Central Bureau of Evaluation (CEO),
Bureau of Programme and Policy Evaluation (BPPE)
New York, USA
World Health Organization (WHO)
Geneva, Switzerland
Ministry of Cooperation of France
Paris, France
National AIDS Control Programs of Côte d'Ivoire
Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
National AIDS Control Programs of Congo Brazzaville
Brazzaville, Congo Brazzaville
National AIDS Control Programs of Rwanda
Kigali, Rwanda
World Health Organization Regional Office
Brazzaville, Congo Brazzaville
In May 1992, the UNDP Governing Council decided to conduct an assessment on UNDP's activities to combat HIV/AIDS within the framework of the WHO/UNDP Alliance. Four team members conducted (Team leader: W. Haven NORTH) field visits to the following countries: Brazil, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Honduras, Pakistan, Rwanda, Thailand, Uganda, and Zambia. After briefings at UNDP in New York, and with WHO/GPA (Global Program on AIDS) in Geneva, the assessment started with the French Government in Paris, then proceeded on to Côte d'Ivoire, Congo Brazzaville and WHO Regional African Office (Congo Brazzaville), and lastly Rwanda.