Afrique Santé & Environnement (ASE)
Africa Health & Environment
A Consulting Firm Established in 1992
Selected Consultancies
Jump to: 1992 - 1994 | 1995 - 1998 | 1999 - 2002 | 2002 - | 2008 -
1999 - 2002
Life University & Life International, Inc.
Atlanta, USA
Association Education Santé
Ministry of Health
Cheikh Anta Diop School of Medicine
Dakar, Senegal
- Obtaining from the Government of Senegal the official accreditation and licensing for the chiropractic profession. The Minister of Health signed the officially recognition of the profession in Senegal in August 2002. The profession is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Doing the preliminary work to submit a USAID Matching Grant.
- Establishing the model for a Mobile Clinic (dental, medical, chiropractic, nutrition care) to be operated by Life International in cooperation with Association ducation Santé and the Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Forestry
Brazzaville, Congo Brazzaville
- Contributing to the design of a UNDP project proposal. ASE did not participate in the implementation of the project because of UNDP/Congo Brazzaville lack of professional ethics. UNDP/Congo Brazzaville was more interested in gaining access through ASE of the TURNER Foundation than equitable payment of all ASE contributing consultants on this project.
- Organizing Minister Henri DJOMBO's (Minister of Forestry) and US Ambassador to Congo Brazzaville visits to Atlanta, and meetings with the TURNER Foundation and DeKalb County Officials.
- Designing the world only life seizes sculpture of an elephant to promote conservational efforts of that endangered species, and also to celebrate the protection of the environment in Africa.
Life UniversityLife International, Inc.
Atlanta, USA
Restructuring Life International (Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Mission Statement, Executive Staff, Board of Trustees, Advisory Board, and all existing Country Programs) to become the Developmental arm of Life University. Preparing and submitting the USAID application package for Life International, Inc. to be registered as a USAID PVO (Private Voluntary Organization). In August 2002, Life International, Inc. became registered by USAID.
Arlington, USA
Cotonou, Benin
Designed the USAID funded National HIV/AIDS Prevention Activities Program (5 million $ program) for Bénin. This proposed program also included the men and women in uniform in the Armed Forces of Bénin (Air Force, Navy, Army, Customs, and Police). This Program was reviewed by Dr. Helen Gayle's staff from the National Center of HIV/STD & TB Prevention of the CDC in Atlanta.
Office of the President of GUINEA
Conakry, Guinea
Embassy of GUINEA to the United States
Washington D.C., USA
Prepared and coordinated the one day visit President Lansana CONTÉ of the Republic of Guinea made to Atlanta on September 23, 1999. ASE was responsible for organizing and coordinating: (1) the meeting with President Jimmy CARTER; (2) the visit of the Martin Luther King Center; (3) with Dr. Edna BAY the meeting with President William CHACE of Emory University and the Dean of the School of Medicine Dr. Thomas LAWLEY to prepare a future cooperative agreement between the Universities of Emory and Conakry of Guinea, and (4) finally organizing and preparing the Sister City Agreement signed that day between the cities of Dubréka and Decatur of greater Atlanta.
ait, Inc.
Atlanta, USA
ASE in cooperation with ait, Inc. wrote 8 project/program proposals in response to World Bank funded International calls for bids by Ministries of Health and Agriculture in Africa.