Afrique Santé & Environnement (ASE)
Africa Health & Environment
A Consulting Firm Established in 1992
Selected Consultancies
Jump to: 1992 - 1994 | 1995 - 1998 | 1999 - 2002 | 2002 - | 2008 -
1995 - 1998
Ministry of Health
Conakry, Guinea
At the request of the Ministry of Health, ASE provided 15 copies of the final version of the SEPIG (Epidemiological Disease Surveillance System/Système de Surveillance Epidémiologique de Guinée) project proposal. ASE consulted with the Minister, the Secretary General, as well as with a number of senior staff members at the Ministry of Health to set-up a Commission to review the SEPIG proposal to establish an implementation timetable.
Life University
Atlanta, USA
Ministry of Health
Kigali, Rwanda
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Higher Education
Dakar, Senegal
ASE and ASE West Africa worked on obtaining licensure and professional recognition for the chiropractic profession in Senegal. ASE International and ASE Rwanda are working on updating and implementing a cooperative agreement signed in 1991 between the Government of Rwanda and Life University.
Ministry of Fishery & Livestock
Conakry, Guinea
From November 1997 through March 1998, ASE International and ASE Guinea developed a poultry farm project proposal in consultation with the Ministry of Fishery & Livestock of Guinea. The project proposal was approved and endorsed in March 1998 by the Ministry of Fishery & Livestock. ASE International was then mandated by the Ministry of Fishery & Livestock to identify the appropriate technical partner and american investors to operate the proposed poultry farm in Guinea through an American-Guinean joint venture.
In March 1998, the Ministry of Fishery & Livestock mandated ASE International to organize an Investment Forum in Atlanta to secure further operating capital funds in the United States for the Guinean SAKOBA shrimp farm. The SAKOBA shrimp farm, established in 1996, has a production capacity of 1,800 tons per year.
Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Bégin
Bégin Army Teaching Military Hospital
Service de Biologie Médicale-Medical Biology Department
Saint Mandé, France
Coordinated the testing of an American made penta-iodine water purifier to be adopted by the French army in order to reduce diarrheal episodes of army draftees going and/or serving in tropical countries.
Heath Technical Services Project (HTS) of TvT, Inc.
Arlington, USA
US Agency for International Development
USAID/Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica
HTS is a facility supporting the USAID Office of Health and Nutrition, Bureau for Global Programs, Field Support and Research. Contracted by HTS we conducted the first evaluation of the USAID funded AIDS/STD Prevention and Control Program of Jamaica.
World Bank ONCHO Unit
Washington, USA
Ministry of Health of Guinea
Conakry, Guinea
In January 1995 the World Bank selected ASE to design an Epidemiological Disease Surveillance System, SEPIG (Système de Surveillance Epidémiologique de Guinée) for the Ministry of Health of Guinea (Conakry, West Africa). In March 28, 1996, ASE's SEPIG project proposal was approved by the World Bank. In April 1996, the project proposal was favorably reviewed by the Advisory Scientific Committee of the World Bank. In September 1996, the proposal was endorsed by the World Bank Oncho Program Donor Agency meeting in Paris.